The series will be split into three chapters, corresponding to the following areas of exploration:

  • Impact of Climate Change on Health
  • Greener Healthcare
  • The Change Makers

Express your interest:
If you have a story to share, please express your interest in participating in the series by emailing Elan Shuker, Head of Series Development at BBC StoryWorks ( with a response to the following prompt by 14th February:
Considering the three chapters outlined above, please detail a specific project or initiative through which your organisation is tackling the joint climate and health crises.

Stories will be reviewed, and a selection will be invited to discuss engaging BBC StoryWorks’ creative teams to produce a branded piece for the series. Their researchers, producers and writers will work with selected organisations to capture positive change in a compelling and striking way, and those organisations can also amplify the series on their own channels as facilitated by the BBC StoryWorks and GCHA teams.

All information can be found here.

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