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In the North Western Mediterranean changes in species distribution and mass mortality events reported during the last several decades have been related to the warming trend observed in this area. Nevertheless and despite the notable exceptions of local temperature series, there is an enormous gap of knowledge on temperature regime in coastal waters due to the lack of data sets covering the appropriate (high resolution) temporal and spatial scales. Gaining robust data sets on thermal regimes is critical to assess conditions to which species have adapted, detect extreme events and critically evaluate biological impacts. In such context, the acquisition of dedicated high resolution T series proves to be crucial for increasing our detection, understanding and forecasting abilities. These abilities will be key to implement sound conservation and management plans for the conservation of the rich Mediterranean biodiversity.

T-MedNet network is devoted to spread the acquisition of long term high resolution temperature series in Mediterranean coastal waters (0-40 m) as well as to facilitate data sharing and analysis. The main aims of the T-MedNet network are:

  • to gather information on high resolution temperature records currently available;
  • to furnish information on “how to” implement and maintain new high resolution temperature records; and
  • to develop a platform for the management and analysis of high resolution temperature records.

T-MedNet network users are scientific staff already involved or interested in the acquisition of temperature series (technicians, ecologists, physicians, chemists etc.) and managers of marine and coastal areas. T-MedNet is an initiative of the MEDRECOVER research group based at the Institut de Ciències del Mar in Barcelona (Spain).

Reference information

Network website

Published in Climate-ADAPT Feb 27 2019   -   Last Modified in Climate-ADAPT Dec 12 2023

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