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European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS)

The European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) was established by the European Commission in collaboration with the national fire administrations to support the services in charge of the protection of forests against fires in the EU and neighbouring countries, and also to provide the EU institutions with harmonized information on forest fires in Europe. Since 1998, EFFIS is supported by a network of experts

WHO Europe - Thematic page "Climate change"

The environment is a major determinant of health, estimated to account for almost 20% of all deaths in the WHO European Region. In 1989, concerned about the growing evidence of the impact of hazardous environments on human health, WHO/Europe initiated the first ever environment and health process, towards a broad primary prevention public health approach, and to facilitate intersectoral policy-making

ECDC Geoportal

Environmental change, land-use, globalisation, and socio-economic contexts are all widely recognised to affect the transmission patterns of infectious diseases. Yet data on these disease determinants are often highly dispersed and difficult to obtain

European Flood Awareness System (EFAS)

The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS)  supports preparatory measures before major flood events strike, particularly in the large trans-national river basins and throughout Europe in general.  EFAS is the first operational European system monitoring and forecasting floods across Europe

European Drought Observatory (EDO)

The European Drought Observatory (EDO)  contains drought-relevant information such as  maps  of indicators derived from different data sources (e.g

EM-DAT, The International Disaster Database

Since 1988, EM-DAT is a global database on natural and technological disasters that contains essential core data on the occurrence and effects of more than 17,000 disasters in the world from 1900 to present. EM-DAT includes geographical, temporal, human and economic information on disasters at the country level

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

ICLEI is an association of over 1,200 local governments that represents the interests of local authorities within the United Nations and at international policy forums. A movement driving positive change on a global scale through programmes and campaigns on local sustainability

Did you know: by taking action on climate change you can strengthen public health

Put health at the center of the climate agreement is the rationale for this series of concise, readable WHO fact sheets to support adaptation in the health sector. Content and style of this collection of two-pagers are tailored to six different target groups: Finance ministers General public Health ministers Health professionals Local authorities Young people

Monitoring and evaluation for climate change adaptation: A synthesis of tools, frameworks and approaches

This report represents a synthesis and summary of frameworks for the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of climate change adaptation and resilience (CCAR) interventions, with a specific focus on international development projects and programmes. The objective of this report is to: Provide an easy-to-read synthesis of current adaptation and resilience M&E resources, frameworks, and approaches so that practitioners are able to more easily identify the information and tools that are most relevant to their needs

Heatwaves and health: guidance on warning-system development

This guidance considers who is at risk from heat, outlines approaches to assessing heat stress, presents the science and methodologies associated with the development of Heat–Health Warning Systems, overviews heat-intervention strategies which are a necessary part of any truly integrated HHWSs, considers the problem of communicating heat risk and how to evaluate HHWSs and draws attention to the essential elements of summer heat plans within which HHWSs are nested. The purpose of the Guidance is to act as a catalyst for bringing together key players from climate, health, emergency-response agencies and decision-makers, as well as the general public, for initiating action concerning the overall management of heat as a hazard

Guidance on water supply and sanitation in extreme weather events

Extreme weather events, including floods and droughts, are increasing in frequency and intensity. They affect the operation of water-supply, drainage and sewerage infrastructure, and the functioning of wastewater treatment plants, thereby affecting the protection of public health

Health Exemplar to the User Interface Platform of the Global Framework for Climate Services

The Health Exemplar constitutes the translation of the Global Framework for Climate Services to the health sector, and serves to provide a structure and processes to identify and respond to the climate information related needs of the health sector from global to local levels. The goal of the Health Exemplar is to improve health outcomes and enhance the management of climate-related risks to health

Public health advice on preventing health effects of heat

The most important actions to take during a heat-wave are: to avoid or reduce exposure, to communicate risks effectively, to take particular care of vulnerable population groups and to manage mild and severe heat illness. This information package updates the set of 10 information sheets annexed to "Heat-health action plans" and provides advice for the general public, medical professionals and health services

BASE Adaptation Inspiration Book: 23 European Cases of Climate Change Adaptation

Pivoted largely on findings from a meta-analysis of BASE case study research, the book presents a brief overview of 23 diverse in-depth case studies that span across Europe, administrative levels, geographic scales, multiple sectors and trans-disciplines. Case studies range from traditional analytical studies to participatory action-research

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2016

This report is an indicator-based assessment of past and projected climate change and its impacts on ecosystems and society. It also looks at society’s vulnerability to these impacts and at the development of adaptation policies and the underlying knowledge base

Adaptation to climate change impacts on human, animal and plant health

This document was based on the general framework set out in the White Paper "Adapting to climate change: Towards a European framework for action" which proposed to increase the resilience of health and social systems to climate change and underlined the need to ensure adequate surveillance and control of the human, animal and plant health impacts of climate change. It introduces the potential evolution of the European Commission action to tackle impacts of climate change on human, animal and plant health


This publication presents the results of a seven-country initiative of the WHO Regional Office for Europe aimed to protect health from climate change through addressing adaptation, strengthening health systems and building institutional capacity in Albania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation Tajikistan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Uzbekistan. This project is part of the International Climate Initiative (ICI)

Climate change, environmental degradation and migration

This European Commission Staff Working Paper aims to provide an overview of the research and data currently available on the inter-linkages between migration, environmental degradation and climate change. The specific focus of this paper is on human mobility due to climate related disasters and environmental degradation, including such caused by climate change (e

Floods in the WHO European Region: health effects and their prevention

In 2009–2011, the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the United Kingdom Health Protection Agency undertook a project to investigate the adverse health effects of floods and to understand how best to protect the health of populations during floods in the WHO European Region. The project had two main components

Increasing the climate resilience of waste infrastructure

All economic activity in the UK is dependent on the infrastructure to supply energy and water, handle waste, move raw materials, finished goods and people around the country or internationally, and to provide the communications systems that knit the economy together. Climate change in the UK is predicted to bring increases in average temperatures and further sea-level rise, increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events with potential for droughts, increased flooding, heatwaves and greater pressure on resource availability

UN World Water Development Report (WWDR4)

The WWDR4 aims to encourage all stakeholders both in and out of the ‘water box’ - water managers, leaders in government, civil society and businesses – to engage early in decision making processes to improve the quality and acceptance of decisions and the probability of successful implementation. It highlights that more responsible action by all water users has enormous potential to lead to better outcomes - but requires political, social, economic and technical responses at all levels of government, businesses and communities, from local to international

Health Effects of Climate Change in the UK (2012)

This study, Health Effects of Climate Change in the UK 2012, is an extensive update of earlier reports published by the Department of Health. Alongside a more detailed look at the effect of temperature changes on death rates in hot and cold spells, the report also investigated the effects a changing climate will have on pollen production, outdoor and indoor air pollution, floods, ultraviolet radiation, food, water and insect-borne diseases

Reducing urban heat risk

High summer temperatures provoke the risk for severe heat stress for urban dwellers already under present climate conditions, because the urban heat island effect amplifies impacts of heat waves. The Urban Heat island effect increases day time temperatures and prevents urban areas from cooling down during night time

Arctic environment: European perspectives - Why should Europe care?

This report contributes to the growing international discourse on the Arctic region. It examines the increasingly rapid changes that are taking place in the Arctic from a European perspective, with a major focus on direct and indirect climate change impacts on the region, considering the national, regional and global challenges and opportunities that are emerging as a result, and discusses the policy options to respond to these challenges

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