In this lunchtime webinar, participants will learn from real-world examples of how to assess climate change risks and vulnerabilities at a regional level. After a short introduction on climate risk and vulnerability assessments, representatives of the LIFE project, URBANPROOF, will share the lessons they learned on developing and using a toolkit to assess climate risk and identify suitable adaptation measures across four municipalities. Representatives from the CLIMAAX project will also attend to provide an overview of their climate risk and vulnerability services.

This webinar is designed for representatives and authorities of regions and cities that work on climate adaptation and environmental management. It aims to support those involved in creating adaptation strategies for their local authority or region.

A follow-up lunchtime webinar will take place on Tuesday 30 January 2024 to present MIP4Adapt’s guide to “Assessing Climate Change Risks and Vulnerabilities (Climate Risk Assessment)” – a Do-It-Yourself manual for regions and local authorities.

The contents and links to third-party items on this Mission webpage are developed by the MIP4Adapt team led by Ricardo, under contract CINEA/2022/OP/0013/SI2.884597 funded by the European Union and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, CINEA, or those of the European Environment Agency (EEA) as host of the Climate-ADAPT Platform. Neither the European Union nor CINEA nor the EEA accepts responsibility or liability arising out of or in connection with the information on these pages.

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