The latest report from the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change unveils the progress and priorities in the battle against climate change. The Activity Report presents the success stories, data, insights and innovative Mission Projects that aim to support regional and local authorities prepare for the impacts of climate change.

From research that informs smarter adaptation strategies to innovative projects that bolster the resilience of our communities, each success story underscores the vital importance of adaptation in confronting the climate crisis head-on.

In the opening foreword, Mission Manager Elina Bardram highlights the incredible progress made by the Mission so far, but asks readers to recognise that Europe is being affected by climate change harder and faster than anywhere else in the world. She says:

"When reading this report, I invite you to reflect on the role that you can play in advancing the cause of adaptation. Whether advocating for different policy and financial decisions, supporting local resilience projects, or making sustainable choices in your daily life, every action counts."

Looking to the future, the report highlights that the Mission must prioritise innovation, collaboration, and knowledge exchange to develop and implement effective adaptation strategies that build resilience at all levels, from local communities to global ecosystems.

The contents and links to third-party items on this Mission webpage are developed by the MIP4Adapt team led by Ricardo, under contract CINEA/2022/OP/0013/SI2.884597 funded by the European Union and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, CINEA, or those of the European Environment Agency (EEA) as host of the Climate-ADAPT Platform. Neither the European Union nor CINEA nor the EEA accepts responsibility or liability arising out of or in connection with the information on these pages.

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