The Interreg VI B defines transnational co-operation programmes for 2021-2027 on large scale territories in Europe and beyond. In addition, specific EU agreed strategies exist for four macro-national regions: Baltic SeaDanubeAlpine, and Adriatic and Ionian regions.

The previous Interreg V B 2014-2020 covered 12 cooperation programmes in Europe and 3 EU outermost regions and overseas countries and territories.

This section provides information on strategies and actions that have been developed for transnational regions.

To go to one of the region's pages, choose a region from the list or click on its map. To see Other regions click here.


In 2021-2027, the cross-border cooperation (CBC) between EU Member States and Neighbourhood region is governed by the EU Cohesion policy and the programmes will be fully part of Interreg. In order to highlight the external dimension of Cohesion policy and at the same time to emphasise how close EU and partner countries stand, the new programmes is called "Interreg NEXT".

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map source: Interreg B - Transnational cooperation

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