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See all EU institutions and bodiesThis page presents indicators maintained by the EEA and strategic partner organisations that describe observed and projected climate change and its impacts in Europe.
Climate-ADAPT currently includes indicators from the following sources:
- EEA indicators cover a wide range of aspects related to climate change and its impacts in Europe and are available on the EEA website. Many of these indicators will be replaced by more interactive information sources developed jointly with partner organisations.
- EEA indicators (archived) comprises –for an intermediate period– EEA indicators that will no longer be updated on the EEA website. Where available, the archived indicator includes a pointer where more recent relevant information can be found.
- Lancet Countdown indicators focus on the relationship between climate change and human health. They are adapted from the extensive global Lancet Countdown indicator set for application in Europe. Further Lancet Countdown indicators are expected to be added during 2021. These indicators are also available in the European Climate and Health Observatory.
- Copernicus climate indices visualize selected climate variables and impact indicators from the Climate Data Store of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). These climate indices can be accessed interactively in the European Climate Data Explorer.
The indicators presented here have different policy purposes, from providing background information on global climate change to assessing climate impacts and identifying adaptation needs at the regional level.
Most indicators cover the 32 EEA member countries, and some also cover the 6 EEA cooperating countries. The UK is covered in indicators updated before February 2020.
EEA indicators
EEA indicators (archived)
Lancet Countdown indicators
Copernicus climate indices
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