Overview list of all indices

This page provides a comprehensive list of the indices provided in Climate-ADAPT from the Copernicus Climate Change Service. The indices are listed in hazard categories defined by the European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation in their report "Climate-related hazard indices for Europe".

Hazard categoryHazard typeIndicator
Heat and coldMean air temperatureMean Temperature
Growing Degree Days
Heating Degree Days
Cooling Degree Days
Extreme heatTropical Nights
Hot Days
Warmest Three-Day Period
Apparent Temperature Heatwave Days
Climatological Heatwave Days
High UTCI Days
Maximum temperature
Cold spells and frostFrost Days
Minimum temperature
Wet and dryMean precipitationTotal Precipitation
Extreme precipitationMaximum Consecutive Five-Day Precipitation
Extreme Precipitation Total
Extreme Precipitation Days
River floodingRiver discharge
River Flood
AridityAridity Actual
Consecutive Dry Days
Meteorological Drought Duration
Meteorological Drought Magnitude
Mean Soil Moisture
WildfireHigh Fire Danger Days
Fire Weather Index
WindMean wind speedMean Wind Speed
Severe windstormExtreme Wind Days
Snow and iceSnow and land iceSnowfall Amount
High Snow Days
CoastalRelative sea levelRelative Sea Level Rise
Coastal floodingExtreme Sea Level
OceanicOcean temperatureSea Surface Temperature
Marine Heatwaves
Biochemical ocean propertiesDissolved Oxygen Level
Ocean pH level
OtherOtherTiger Mosquito Climatic Season Length
Tiger Mosquito Climatic Suitability

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