This dashboard supports the on-going work on measuring progress towards climate resilience at the European level by consolidating existing knowledge on how to measure various aspects of adaptation at all levels of governance. It also introduces a guiding classification that could be used to group and further develop indicators relevant to the European level.

The database available below is the result of a mapping exercise conducted by the EEA in 2023 identifying numerous frameworks related to adaptation and over 1,000 indicators that were already used to measure aspects of resilience. The database can be used as a first entry point to inspire public authorities in developing appropriate indicators for monitoring and evaluation of adaptation actions. 

The indicators are searchable by governance level, sector, and type of indicator according to the ‘3R’, or Risk, Response and Result classification:

Risk: Indicators used in climate risk assessments, describing climatic drivers, resulting hazards, exposure, and vulnerability, as well as direct and cascading impacts of climate change.

Response: Indicators that refer to the reduction of risk, including resources and investments made in adaptation, but also the direct outputs of adaptation projects. Enabling conditions for effective adaptation are also measured here, including cost-effectiveness, co-benefits and equity.

Result: Indicators that assess the outcomes of adaptation actions, including shorter-term risk reduction and contributions to longer-term societal, economic and ecosystem resilience.

This dashboard will be continuously updated, with the next version identifying and mapping relevant indicators with sufficient data available at European level for each of the 3Rs.

The full database is already searchable in the next table


As this is ongoing work, the database currently remains within the analysis done in 2023. It is not an exhaustive analysis of frameworks but remains within the most frequently used international frameworks or the ones that were openly accessible on the European scale. Updates of the database and the dashboard will follow in 2025.

The 3R concept is a product of this analysis and the methodological approach is pending further publication in 2025.

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