• weAdapt is an online ‘open space' on climate adaptation issues which allows practitioners, researchers and policy makers to access credible, high quality information and to share experiences and lessons learned with the weADAPT community. weADAPT is the result of collaboration with knowledge partners from bilateral, multilateral, NGO and commercial parties.
  • World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) Beta is a central hub of information, data and reports about climate change around the world. Here you can query, map, compare, chart and summarize key climate and climate-related information.
  • PROVIA is a global initiative which aims to provide direction and coherence at the international level for research on vulnerability, impacts and adaptation (VIA).
  • Climate planning is a guide for national planning
  • PREVIEW (UNEP) Global Risk Data Platform is a multiple agencies effort to share spatial data information on global risk from natural hazards.
  • The Nairobi work programme (NWP) is undertaken under the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) of the UNFCCC.
  • Adaptation Learning Mechanism (ALM) represents a collaborative, global learning process, with leadership, facilitation seeking to provide stakeholders with a common platform for sharing and learning of adaptation issues.
  • AfricaAdapt is an independent bilingual network focused exclusively on Africa. The Network's aim is to facilitate the flow of climate change adaptation knowledge for sustainable livelihoods between researches, policy makers, civil society organisations and communities who are vulnerable to climate variability and change across Africa.
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