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Glasgow Climate Pact: COP26 agreement reached, including scaling up adaptation

At the COP26, held in Glasgow, climate adaptation was the object of particular emphasis. The Glasgow Climate Pact emphasizes the need to scale up adaptation action to enhance adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate change in line with the best available science and urges Parties to further integrate adaptation into local, national and regional planning

Read more about the Glasgow Climate Pact.

Parties furthermore established a work programme to define the global goal on adaptation, which will identify collective needs and solutions to the climate crisis already affecting many countries. Read more about the Work programme.

In addition, the registry was approved for Adaptation Communications, which serve as channels for information flowing towards the Global Stocktake that is to take place every five years starting in 2023. Read more about the Public registry.

For more information, read this article on the UNFCCC website.

Date: 18 Nov 2021
Filed under: cop26, agreement