The viewer provides the maximum daily value of clear-sky and total-sky UV Index (based on satellite data processed by CAMS and utilising WHO methodology) as an indication of the amount of the UV radiation across Europe forecasted for the next four days.

 Use this icon to select the date, UV index and region of interest

 Click on this icon to view the map in full screen mode

By clicking on the map, the UV Index maximum values for a given location can be viewed, accompanied by a chart showing changes in hourly UV Index values over the forecast period.

The meaning of UV index values

UV IndexExposure categorySun protection needed
0MinimalNo protection required
1 - 2


No protection required
Being outside is safe
3 - 5ModerateProtection required
Shirt, sunscreen, and sunglasses recommended when being outside.
6 - 7High

Protection required

During midday hours, staying in shade advised. In the sunshine, shirt, sunscreen, hat and sunglasses recommended
8 – 10Very highExtra protection required
Staying inside recommended between 11 - 16. During those hours, even in shade, long-sleeve shirt, long trousers, sunscreen, wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses are recommended.
11+ExtremeExtra protection required
Staying inside between 11 – 16 and seeking shade beyond those hours is recommended. Even in shade, long-sleeve shirt, long trousers, sunscreen, wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses are essential.

Source: WHO et al., 2002 and DWD

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