The purpose of the webinar is to present the new and updated knowledge resources on Climate-ADAPT, supporting actions on all steps of the adaptation policy cycle. Examples of those resources, implemented in the first semester of 2023, are the new information on mainstreaming of adaptation in 5 EU sector policies, the extension and better accessible climate indices in the European Climate Data Explorer, the European Climate Risk Assessment page, as well as the new EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change Portal. Actions, foreseen in the second semester of 2023, will also be introduced. In interactive sessions, feedback will be gathered on the new content and functionalities as well as envisaged priorities from the perspective of Climate-ADAPT users and providers.  

The target audience of the webinar are current and potential new users and information providers of Climate-ADAPT which are or might become part of the intended target audience of Climate-ADAPT, i. e., governmental decision-makers as well as the organisations supporting them in the development, implementation, and evaluation of climate change adaptation strategies, plans and actions at all governance levels in Europe. Beyond that, all other users are welcome to participate in the webinar.


The EU Adaptation Strategy states that Climate-ADAPT is a key reference for knowledge on adaptation and aims to make it the authoritative European platform for adaptation. To meet this ambition, Climate-ADAPT is since 2021 being significantly extended with new data and knowledge components. Further developments, such as the EU Climate Law, the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, Destination Earth, the European Climate and Health Observatory, the EEA-Eionet Strategy, and working with new partners have required a substantial upgrading of Climate-ADAPT's mission and objectives, as well as a redefinition of the governance structure and role of stakeholders. The 2022-2024 Climate-ADAPT Strategy informs about those changes and outlines priority actions. Information about recent developments can be found in the recordings of 2022 and 2021 webinars. 

Agenda and supporting documents

Welcome (DG CLIMA, EEA)
Topic I   Assisting to implement EU adaptation policies 

European Climate Risk Assessment, 5 new EU policy pages, Eu Mission on Adaptation Portal, European Climate and Health Observatory 

Feedback, questions, answers

Topic II

New information on adaptation policies at national and transnational levels

Outlook on 2023 Country profiles update and transnational adaptation policies section update

Feedback, questions, answers

Topic III Supporting smarter adaptation – updated knowledge, tools and guidance 
  European Climate Data Explorer, adaptation options
  Feedback, questions, answers
 Topic IV Bringing the messages across
  Promoting Climate-ADAPT in EEA Member countries 
   Outlook and follow up (EEA)


Practical information


The webinar is organized as an open online meeting. Participation in the webinar is possible via a weblink. The link will be send to you after your registration. As a participant, you will be given a listening and writing permission. The webinar will be held as an interactive meeting with time for feedback. The writing permission will be used to submit your questions via the chat function. A visual image of the participants is not provided.

If you have problems to access the registration form, it might be needed to paste the link of the registration page

 (Webinar registration | Microsoft Teams)


into an 'Incognito' mode (in Chrome) or 'Private' mode (in Microsoft Edge) from your browser.



If you have any further questions you can contact

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