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Nature-based solutions (NBS) aim to help societies to address a variety of environmental, social and economic challenges in sustainable ways. They are actions which are inspired by and supported by nature. Some involve using and enhancing existing natural solutions to challenges, while others are exploring more novel solutions, for example, based on how non-human organisms and communities cope with environmental extremes. NBS are energy and resource-efficient, and resilient to change, but to be successful they must be adapted to local conditions.
The main objective of ThinkNature is the development of a multi-stakeholder communication platform that supports the understanding and the promotion of nature-based solutions in local, regional, EU and International level.
Through dialogue uptake facilitation and steering mechanisms as well as knowledge capacity building, the ThinkNature Platform brings together multi-disciplinary scientific expertise, policy, business and society, as well as citizens.
ThinkNature Platform - an integrated multi-stakeholder web solution designed to stir dialogue and interaction on NbS through discussion forums and debates in order to identify regulatory, economic and technical barriers and to communicate and promote successful NbS. The Platform contains a knowledge hub with information on NbS, including projects and case studies, as well as video interviews and webinars and a dialogue section for stakeholder interaction.
ThinkNature Handbook on NbS - a comprehensive guide that includes methodologies from project development to financing and policy making, and is presented in a concise and comprehensive way, in order to be easily understandable.
NbS Case Study Portfolio - exemplary NbS case studies worldwide . All case studies are using the newly developed ThinkNature case study template that contains significant information on the design, description and impact of the NbS. Currently we are hosting 111 NbS case studies on the platform.
Expert Interview videos - a series of short video interviews recorded with conference participants during the H2020 Clustering Action "Transforming Cities, Enhancing Well-being: innovating with nature-based solutions". The interviewees are NBS experts of different background and expertise (policy makers, market actors, scientists, end users/authorities), providing a range of perspectives and different insights into the present and the future of NBS.
ThinkNature Webinars - a series of four webinars between January and June of 2019 that introduced and covered several aspects of Nbs to a wide audience. Resources of ThinkNature webinar series such as presentations, recordings and polls' results are available online.
ThinkNature Summer School - a week-long, hand-on summer school focused on NbS. All material developed for the summer school is available online.
Greentown Game App - developed to demonstrate the impact of choices and thereby the advantages of using nature-based solutions, serves as an introductory, explanatory and dissemination material towards all interested parties.
Brainstorming Forums – the results of two brainstorming forums to engage stakeholders in the uptake of NbS are synthesised in six ThinkNature reports
Business Case for NBS – development of the SITE4NBS and RISE4NBS methodologies that together illustrate a strategic process framework used for identifying the key elements of a project needed to develop an NbS business case.
An International collaboration strategy has been developed aiming at establishing the business case of NbS. ThinkNature has established a list of 126 International partners and organizations for potential synergy to promote NbS dialogue and create market synergies for Europe.
ThinkNature is promoting the clustering of the activities of the NbS demo projects by coordinating the dialogue on the four taskforces dealing with data management, indicators, business and governance and communication.
Technical University of Crete | Greece |
University of Leeds | United Kingdom |
Helsingin Yliopisto | Finland |
Idryma Technologias Kai Erevnas | Greece |
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | Italy |
Stiftung Global Infrastructure Basel | Switzerland |
European Construction, Built Environment and Energy Efficient Buildings Technology Platform | Belgium |
Van Rompaey Sara | Belgium |
Book on a Tree Ltd | United Kingdom |
Internationale Vereniging van Stedebouwkundigen | Netherlands |
Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment | France |
European Dredging Association | Belgium |
Avon Wildlife Trust | United Kingdom |
Ville de Paris | France |
Kriti | Greece |
Stichting Europees Centrum Voor Natuurbescherming | Netherlands |
Fondation Francaise pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversite | France |
Oppla Eeig | Netherlands |
Horizon 2020
EU.3.5.1. - Fighting and adapting to climate change
EU.3.5.2. - Protection of the environment, sustainable management of natural resources, water, biodiversity and ecosystems
Start date:
36 monthsProject Coordinator:
Technical University of CreteContact Point:
Nikolaos Nikolaidis
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