Identify ongoing activities with relevance for adaptation

Adaptation should not be performed in isolation. Relevant instruments and ongoing adaptation actions (although possibly not carried out under the headline of "adaptation") in place should be identified, such as for instance disaster risk prevention, biodiversity protection or land use planning policies. In addition, existing sectoral or regional adaptation strategies/plans in the country should be identified.

This can be done in close cooperation with colleagues from other authorities and affected stakeholders with the following guiding questions to help identifying ongoing activities relevant for adaptation:

  • Have you ever been confronted with the topics of climate change or adaptation in your work?
  • Have projects or studies on the effects of climate change been conducted on behalf of your organisation or department, or are such studies planned?
  • Are you aware of studies or projects on the topic of climate change or adaptation from other sources (universities, other research institutions, governmental ministries, other states, etc.) that are important for your field of work?
  • Are there measures already in place that contribute to adaptation to climate change, even if they are not specifically identified as adaptation measures?
  • Have targeted adaptation measures already been implemented?
  • Are there existing tools, strategies, processes, etc., that are important or could be used for adaptation to climate change?
  • What networks or initiatives relevant to adaptation are already active or could be used for adaptation?
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