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See all EU institutions and bodies3.1 Creating a catalogue of relevant adaptation options
This compilation should focus on adaptation options, which are able to accommodate the relevant main concerns that have been identified for the country, region or administrative level considered. Adaptation options can be retrieved from literature review and databases, from scientific experts and/or colleagues from other authorities as well as through stakeholder involvement. In addition, local and regional knowledge are very important to identify appropriate adaptation options, avoiding maladaptation. Over the last years several catalogues of adaptation options have been developed by researchers, city networks, national or regional authorities or stakeholder organisations. These catalogues should form the basis for a selection of options that fits within the specific context and to the defined adaptation goals. It also needs to be recognised that adaptation does not always require completely new action. Adaptation often means considering and adjusting activities that would be required for sustainable development in any case, or mainstreaming adaptation into existing or new legislations, norms and plans (e.g. flood risk management plans under the EU floods Directive).
The collection shall encompass a wide spectrum of adaptation options, including technological, informational, organizational, behavioural, ecosystem-based, social, and socio‐economic options at all levels, sectoral, cross‐sectoral and cross-cutting. See Adaptation options on Climate-ADAPT.
Special attention should be given to nature-based solutions as they are actions that work with and enhance nature to protect and restore ecosystems and to help society adapting to the impacts of climate change and slow further warming. They also providing multiple additional benefits (environmental, social and economic).
Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction is an 'umbrella concept' encompassing other established approaches, e.g., the ecosystem approach and ecosystem-based approaches, sustainable management, ecosystem-based management, sustainable forest management, green infrastructure and blue-green infrastructure, ecosystem-based adaptation, natural water retention measures and ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction.The application of these concepts in different sectors is detailed in the EEA report on nature-based solutions in Europe.
Adaptation options on Climate-ADAPT
The adaptation options available will depend on several inter-related factors. Consult here the adaptation options available in Climate-ADAPT selecting a specific climate impact and / or adaptation sector of interest
To look up impact and sector specific adaptation options please use the dropdown boxes below.
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