
The Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC) is operated by a Research Consortium consisting of different Italian public and private research Institutions and led by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).

There are six research divisions at CMCC: 1. ASC (Advanced Scientific Computing Division), 2. CSP (Climate Simulation and Prediction Division), 3. ECIP (Economic analysis of Climate Impacts and Policy Division), 4. IAFES (Impacts on Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystem Services), 5. ODA (Ocean modeling and Data Assimilation), 6. OPA (Ocean Predictions and Applications), 7. RAAS (Risk assessment and adaptation strategies), 8. REMHI (REgional Models and geo-Hydrological Impacts).

The mission of the CMCC is to improve our understanding of the nature and mechanisms of climate variability, its causes and its impacts, with a special emphasis on the Mediterranean Area and its interactions with the global climate.

International cooperation is an essential activity of the CMCC which is realized through several international projects supported financially by the CMCC, bilateral agreements between Italy and other countries and European projects in which CMCC is a partner.

The CMCC is also aimed through satellite remote sensing to the monitoring of the eco-environmental resources (water, agriculture, forestry), the analysis and prevention of the risks due to natural and anthropogenic hazards, and monitoring of the energy and transportation networks.

Furthermore, through the capabilities of its members and associate centres, the CMCC can deliver scientific-technical products and technical support to ministries, regions and provinces and the private sector on themes such as climate change assessments, the protection of the marine environment of the Mediterranean Sea towards a sustainable use of the resources, ecology, forestry science, health and economy, risk management (natural hazards related to climate, oil spills, coastal euthrophication, water resources, etc.), transportation, agriculture, energy and tourism.

Finally the CMCC provides research coordination/management of international projects led by Italian ministries and provides technical support in several multilateral international activities such as UNFCCC, UNCCD, IPCC and UNEP. Since 2011, CMCC manages the EEA's European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA)

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Published in Climate-ADAPT: Jun 7, 2016

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