Climate-ADAPT is a platform for sharing and integrating knowledge on adaptation to climate change. Climate-ADAPT also hosts the European Climate and Health Observatory and the EU Mission on Adaptation to climate change.

This section provides short descriptions of the types of content that can be shared through Climate-ADAPT by its users. It also offers a guide on how to contribute different types of information to Climate-ADAPT. A FAQ for information providers offers further assistance.

Preferably only documents in English will be included; only those reports in foreign national languages should be included that are very important for a wide (geographic and sectoral) range of users across Europe. If in rare cases it would be decided to include a document in another language than English, a brief summary in English and a link to national documents should be provided.

To submit an item to the Climate-ADAPT Resource catalogue, choose from the menu list on the right which type of information you would like to contribute. Within the submission templates for all types of resource catalogue items, there is an option for specifying whether the item shall be included in the European Climate and Health Observatory.

In order to propose content contributions, potential Climate-ADAPT contributors need to have an account as registered content providers. This access can be requested via email here. Please provide information about your organization and a brief explanation of the content you would like to submit by following the prefilled text in the automatically generated email, which is as follows:

Please grant me access to CLIMATE-ADAPT.
My contact details are as follows:
Name: <fill out your name here>
Email: <fill out your email address here>
Organisation: <fill out your organisation details here>
ReasonToCreate: <briefly explain why you are requiring the account>.

For specific questions regarding content submissions, reporting issues or asking further information about the portal, Climate-ADAPT users can send an email.

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