Climate-ADAPT case studies showcase initiatives undertaken in Europe to adapt to climate change and increase resilience to extreme weather and slow-onset events. Five mandatory criteria have been defined to select Climate-ADAPT case studies:

  • Clear link to climate change adaptation: the case studies shall describe measures that have been clearly developed as response to climate change challenges, to reduce vulnerability to climate change and/or address its impacts or opportunities, therefore also adopting a long-term perspective.
  • Actual implementation. Case studies shall describe either implemented/under implementation adaptation measures or initiatives that are preparing or enabling the conditions to implement adaptation (e.g. adjustment in governance such as improvement in processes, institutional settings, policies planning, and legislation), tracking both the process and the effectiveness of adaptation across Europe.
  • Accessibility to more detailed information. More detailed information on the case studies shall be easily accessible and re-assessment should be feasible.
  • Geographical scope. The case studies should have the same geographic coverage as  Climate-ADAPT .
  • Avoiding maladaptation. Initiatives that increase vulnerability of some locations and social groups, that strengthen the causes of climate change, and that create conflict with environmental and sustainability policy goals are not taken into account.

The full list of selection criteria for Climate-ADAPT case study is available here. More information on this typology of contents is available on the case study explorer.

Researchers and governmental organisations are welcome to share information on their experiences in terms of case studies. Please contact us via e-mail ( if you wish to contribute to Climate ADAPT with a new or revised case study. Our experts will contact you with specific information and templates for the case study development and submission.

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