Research and knowledge projects and programmes are aimed at developing the Climate Change Adaptation knowledge database.

The Climate-ADAPT database contains short descriptive information, including the main project web site, of the main existing and/or expected results of EU FP and H2020 projects (funded by DG RTD) and other Commission funded projects (e.g. LIFE and INTERREG projects).

Leaders of existing and/or new EU funded research projects are requested by the European Commission (DG RTD, CLIMA, REGIO etc) to provide information to Climate-ADAPT when this is appropriate, for example in line with the timing for deliverables of such projects.

For streamlining reasons, specific outcomes derived from projects (e.g. deliverables, reports, briefings, tools) should preferably be included in the research and knowledge projects database item (i.e. this type), rather than being submitted as independent database items. Please email to suggest edits to the existing entry.

See an example of a Climate-ADAPT research or knowledge project metadata sheet.

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