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This catalogue acts as an inventory of practical adaptation options and associated enabling institutional frameworks, and differentiates between options according to the form of adaptation (institutional structures and processes, planning and management practice, financial / legal, or technological), hazard, landscape type (urban, rural, coastal), economic sector, geographical region, responsible actor (highlighting whether public or private), and the scale of implementation (e.g. adapting to heat waves can involve action at the city, neighbourhood or individual building level; flood risk management can operate from the level of the catchment down to individual responses). Supporting analysis also includes an assessment of the potential feasibility and application of measures in different contexts, their associated costs and benefits (where such quantitative data are available), and the wider implications for sustainable development. Due to the nature of adaptation not all options are exhaustive. The searchable database should not be considered comprehensive; rather the catalogue is intended to showcase good practice measures that are relevant to different hazards and applicable in different contexts, hence providing stakeholders with valuable knowledge that may assist their decision-making. References are included to enable further exploration, and where relevant the catalogue also acts as a gateway to external sites for additional information.

Reference information

FP7 ADAM project

Published in Climate-ADAPT: Sep 10, 2014

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