
The Copernicus Marine Service (or Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service; CMEMS) is one of the six services part of Copernicus, the EU Programme aimed at developing European information services based on satellite earth observation and in situ (non-space) data.

CMEMS provides state-of-the-art analyses and forecasts of oceanographic parameters (oceanographic products), which offer an unprecedented capability to observe, understand and anticipate marine environment events. CMEMS offers a unique access to oceanographic products through an online catalogue. Registered users can download products according to their needs and benefit from quality and validation information for each of them. Users can also benefit from a number of on-line services without any registration, as: discover the catalogue of products, view products, access information on products quality, use technical FAQs, access the interactive web-based forum.

The service is meant for any end-user requesting information on the ocean (including a wide variety of end-uses, from the commercial to the R&D sector) and especially downstream service providers who use this information as an input to their own value-added services to end-users. Targeted users are related to four main areas: maritime safety, coastal and marine environment, marine resources and seasonal forecasting and climate activities.

CMEMS is operational since May 2015 and is currently operated by Mercator Ocean, the French centre for analysis and forecasting of the global ocean.

CMEMS publishes the annual Ocean State Report that provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art assessment of the current state, natural variations, and changes in the global ocean and European regional seas. It is meant to act as a reference document for the ocean scientific and business communities as well as decision-makers and the general public. The publication of the report summary, allows decision-makers and the general public to have immediate information on the state of the ocean in a concise, illustrated, and easily shareable format.

Reference information

Copernicus programme

Published in Climate-ADAPT: Dec 4, 2017

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