
Environmental change, land-use, globalisation, and socio-economic contexts are all widely recognised to affect the transmission patterns of infectious diseases. Yet data on these disease determinants are often highly dispersed and difficult to obtain. ECDC has developed the ECDC Geoportal in order to promote and facilitate spatial infectious disease modelling in Europe. It is a hub for data exchange and scientific collaboration between researchers in the area of environment and infectious diseases.

The ECDC Geoportal facilitates the collection and exchange of spatial datasets relevant for infectious disease modelling in a user-friendly way. It is an inventory of all the information resources that are collected, maintained, and managed by a collaborative effort under the ECDC established European Environment and Epidemiology (E3) Network.

Producers of spatial data relevant to infectious disease epidemiology can upload datasets and maps for sharing with other users, contributing to the exchange of knowledge in Europe about the environmental changes that are affecting infectious disease transmission.

The ECDC Geoportal includes the Vibrio Map Viewer.

Reference information

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

Published in Climate-ADAPT: Jun 7, 2016

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