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This transnational project is about the adaptation of the Meuse and its catchment to the impact of flooding and low waters from climate change. Working together are 17 partner organisations from Germany, Belgium, France and the Netherlands. The aims of AMICE, which unites public authorities, universities & NGOs from 5 NWE regions, are:

1) develop a basin-wide climate adaptation strategy, coordinated transnationally, focused on water discharges and the functions influenced by them. The strategy development will take into account climate scenarios, on-going projects, existing measures and the EU Floods Directive , with a particular focus on floods & low-flows.
2) realise a set of measures against low-flows & floods, profitable for the international basin of the Meuse and that can be used by other river basins in NWE.
3) reinforce and widen the partnership between stakeholders of the Meuse basin, and increase the exchange of knowledge and experience on prevention, preparedness and protection against flood & drought risks.
4) engage the local population and stakeholders by improving their understanding of climate change, sustainable development, catchment basin functioning, risk consciousness of water hazards and the sense of belonging to a common river basin, across administrative and language borders.

Project information


Etablissement Public d'Aménagement de la Meuse et des ses Affluents (FR) Ms. Maite Fournier


APS; CEGUM; CETMEF; Commune d’Hotton; EPAMA; FHR; Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech; IWW-RWTH; LFI-RWTH; nv De Scheepvaart; Région Wallonne (GTI); Rijkswaterstaat; RIOU; ULg; Waterboard Aa en Maas; Waterboard Brabantse Delta; WVER

Source of funding

Interreg IV B Northwest Europe

Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT Jun 7, 2016   -   Last Modified in Climate-ADAPT Dec 12, 2023

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