
TransformAr aims to demonstrate solutions and pathways, deemed essential for climate and social resilience to achieve rapid and far-reaching transformational adaptation. The project is developing an adaptive process based on open innovation, user-friendly and accessible climate data services, actionable solutions and large-scale experimentation. This is supported by the implementation of Innovation Packages built to increase communities’ social and climate resilience.

Based on existing successful initiatives, the project is developing, testing and demonstrating solutions and pathways, integrated with Innovation Packages, in 6 territories (Demonstrators) that are currently facing a common challenge: water-related risks and impacts of climate change.

Transformational pathways, including an integrated risk assessment approach are co-developed by means of 9 Transformational Adaptive Blocks. A set of 22 actionable adaptive solutions are tested and demonstrated, ranging from nature-based solutions, innovative technologies, financing, insurance and governance models, awareness and behavioral change solutions.

Massive resilience increase and acceleration of transformation adaptation are fostered by clustering various investors, testing bankable solutions, and defining viable (non-)commercial exploitation strategy for the TransformAr solutions, products and services.

The technical reports of the project can be consulted in the Knowledge centre, while news, articles, and interviews are collected in the "News and events section"


Project information


University of Antwerp, Belgium


Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Italy 

Acterra, France

E3-Modelling Ae, Greece

Potsdam Institut Fuer Klimafolgenforschung, Germany

Verhaert New Products & Services Nv, Belgium

Fundacion Empresa Universidad Gallega,  Spain

National Center For Scientific Research Demokritos, Greece

Ceska Zemedelska Univerzita V Praze, Czechia

Lappeenrannan-Lahden Teknillinen Yliopisto Lut, Finland

Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Ntnu, Norway

Universidad De Vigo, Spain; Epsilon Malta Limited, Malta

Agence De L'environnement Et De Lamaitrise De L'energie, France

Westcountry Rivers Trust Lbg, United Kingdom

Mediterranean Sea And Cost Foundation, Italy

Centro Tecnologico Del Mar - Fundacion Cetmar, Spain

Lappeenrannan Kaupunki, Finland

Dimos Egaleo, Greece

Water Europe, Belgium

Euroquality Sarl, France

Gjovik Kommune, Norway

Source of funding

LC-GD-1-3-2020 - Climate-resilient Innovation Packages for EU regions

Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT: Nov 29, 2021

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