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BLUE AP (Bologna Local Urban Environment Adaptation Plan for a Resilient City) is a LIFE+ project for the implementation of an Adaptation Plan to Climate Change for the Municipality of Bologna, providing for some concrete local measures to test, in order to make the city more resilient and able to meet the climate change challenges.

The BLUE AP planning and testing actions developed in the city of Bologna will lead to the creation of guidelines useful for the definition of similar adaptation plans, that can be adopted by other medium-size Italian cities. Bologna will be the pilot-city that, first in Italy, will face climate changes with the appropriate and creative tools.

BLUE AP will create the Bologna Adaptation Plan and define, with citizen and stakeholders’ involvement, six pilot actions:

Every action aims to build resilient communities to raise awareness about the risks associated with climate change.

The RAINBO project (LIFE15CCA/IT/00035) is the follow-up of BLUEAP (Bologna Urban Environment Adaptation Plan for a resilient city), and aims to develop and improve methods and tools to predict severe rainfall events and their impact, focusing on the hydrologic response of the small watercourses within the urban area of Bologna.



Project information


City of Bologna


ARPA (Emilia Romagna Regional Environmental Agency)


Kyoto Club

Source of funding


Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT: Jun 7, 2016

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