
CLIMAX PO overall objective is to boost adaptation to climate change through climate-smart water resources management at the river basin district scale by implementing National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) measures tailored-made on the local characteristics and climatic peculiarities present in the district. 
CLIMAX PO is setting up an integrated governance approach (MGD – Multi level Governance Deal) for the whole Po River Basin with the mission of leading the implementation of the Italian National Adaptation Strategy.

Specific project objectives are:

  • Governance of climate adaptation at Po River Basin District level: improving the climate risk and adaptation governance in water resource management, and ensuring public funding and technical coordination and coherence;
  • Shared climate knowledge: improving the understanding of climate risks and creating a platform for harmonised climate knowledge and services;
  • Capacity building and awareness: accelerating climate adaptation through education, training and awareness-raising for policymakers, technical experts, public administrations and civil society organisations;
  • Improved water security and climate resilience: enhancing water retention and storage capacity management, promoting nature-based solutions and connectivity of green and blue infrastructures, promoting water saving and soil conservation in farming practices;
  • Institutionalisation of climate adaption at Po River Basin District level: making climate adaptation a permanent part of the River Basin District governance model, by developing guidelines, common tools and methodologies for shared knowledge.

Project information


Autorità di bacino del fiume Po (ADBPO), Italy


Agenzia Interregionale per il fiume Po (AIPo), Italy
Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione, l’Ambiente e l’energia dell’Emilia Romagna (ARPAE), Italy
Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale del Piemonte (ARPAP), Italy
Università di Bologna (UNIBO), Italy
Associazione Nazionale delle Bonifiche, delle Irrigazioni e dei miglioramenti fondiari (ANBI), Italy
Fondazione Centro euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), Italy
Città Metropolitana di BOlogna (CMBO), Italy
Ente Regionale per i Servizi all’Agricoltura e alle Foreste (ERSAF), Italy
Legambiente associazione onlus (LEGAMBIENTE), Italy
Legambiente Lombardia onlus (Legamb Lomb), Italy 
Legambiente Veneto associazione di promozione sociale (Legamb Veneto), Italy 
Legambiente Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta (LEGAMB PVDA), Italy 
Legambiente Emilia Romagna (LEGAMB ER), Italy 
POLItecnico di TOrino (POLITO), Italy
Società Metropolitana Acque Torino spa (SMAT), Italy
Regione Emilia Romagna (RER), Italy
Regione Piemonte (RPiemonte), Italy
Regione Lombardia (RLombardia), Italy
Sogesca srl (SOGESCA), Italy
Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente (ARPA) della Lombardia (ARPA Lombardia), Italy
ANBI – Emilia Romagna (ANBI-ER), Italy
Unione regionale bonifiche irrigazioni e miglioramento fondiari per la Lombardia (ANBI Lombardia), Italy
Unione regionale bonifiche irrigazioni Piemonte (ANBI PIEMONTE), Italy
Associazione regionale dei consorzi di gestione e tutela del territorio e acque irrigue (ANBIVENETO), Italy 

Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT: Mar 24, 2023

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