
WaterMan develops and promotes circular approaches to reducing outflows of nutrients and hazardous substances to surface water, groundwater and the Baltic Sea. 

The project investigates measures and techniques to re-use water from wastewater treatment plants and the retention of water before flowing to the sea. It focuses on measures at the local level and on areas in the Baltic Sea region, where the water supply may be affected by climate change. Thus, less groundwater resources will be needed for drinking water production and other uses, and water supply becomes more climate-resilient.

Primary target groups are municipalities and water companies that are responsible for local water management. The partnership and work plan is structured to ensure that innovative solutions emerge and will disseminate them effectively to potential further users in the Baltic region.

The first step of the project is a peer learning process among local authorities and water companies in the Baltic region, which have experiences and a high level of proficiency. This work can then be transferred, combined and advanced. This will make local approaches more effective while decreasing individual efforts for development.

The partnership of the project will include both, “hand-on partners” that develop and test new solutions (municipalities, water companies), and umbrella organisations (e.g., associations of local authorities) with a strong interest in spreading the knowledge to their members.

Project information


Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic, Poland


Municipality of Kalmar, Sweden

Skåne Association of Local Authorities, Sweden

Krinova Incubator & Science Park, Sweden

Bornholms Water A/S, Denmark

Bornholms Wastewater A/S, Denmark

Association Klaipėda Region, Lithuania

Region Kalmar County, Sweden

State Autonomous Institution of the Kaliningrad region "Environmental Center "ECAT-Kaliningrad", Russian Federation

Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT: Nov 16, 2022

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