
The main goal of LIFE URBAN-ADAPT is to demonstrate an innovative, participatory approach as an essential element in creating acceptance and commitment among the public and stakeholders for large-scale implementation of urban adaptation strategies and related measures. The project will test a participatory approach in two different settings. The project will also create a blueprint for development of a climate change strategy and for participatory decision-making processes that are necessary for implementing urban climate adaptation strategies on a large scale. Finally, the project will increase the climate resilience of two districts (ZoHo and the Nieuwe Maas), while restoring their eco-systems and biodiversity.

Expected results

The project will implement two participatory urban climate adaptation approaches in very different settings, with the following concrete outcomes:

  • In ZoHo:
    • 11 550 m2 of newly planted green infrastructure;
    • 10% reduction of nitrogen dioxide air pollution;
    • Placement of 100 (SMART) water barrels;
    • 800 m3 additional water storage capacity;
    • 20% reduction in reported sewage overflow events;
    • 0.5 degrees Celsius reduction of surface temperature;
    • 250 people involved in climate adaptation strategies.
  • In the Nieuwe Maas:
    • 37 500 m2 innovative green borders in Nassauhaven and Mallegatpark;
    • A significant increase in biodiversity at the demonstration sites;
    • A significant improvement in water quality at the demonstration sites;
    • Improvements in public perception and engagement in the targeted areas;
    • 37 500 m2 reduction in hard river banks; and
    • Improved accessibility and use of riverside areas.

Project information


Gemeente Rotterdam


Stichting Het Wereld Natuur Fonds-Nederland, Netherlands

Rijkswaterstaat, Netherlands

Source of funding

LIFE Programme

Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT Jan 8, 2019   -   Last Modified in Climate-ADAPT Dec 12, 2023

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