
Water scarcity and droughts hit the Danube region frequently and have had large impacts on the economy and welfare of the people. Despite damages in the last decades, drought is still not considered as an issue of high priority and people are not aware of its impacts.

The main objective of the DriDanube project is to increase the capacity of the Danube region to manage drought related risks. The project aims at helping all stakeholders involved in drought management become more efficient during drought emergency response and prepare better for the next drought.

One of the main products of the project will be the Drought User Service, which will enable more accurate and efficient drought monitoring and timely early warning. The service will integrate all the available data, including large volume of the most recent remote sensing products.

DriDanube will harmonize the currently heterogeneous methodologies for risk and impact assessments, based on the existing achievements in participating countries and on EU guidelines in the frame of the Civil Protection Mechanism.

The current slow reactions during drought will be sped up with the  improved decision-making process in all parts of the drought management cycle (monitoring–impact assessment–response–recovery–preparedness) which will strengthen capacities of the stakeholders (policy, professional, end users) at different levels. This will lead to an increased culture of preparedness throughout the Danube region.

DriDanube’s main expected result is improved drought emergency response and better cooperation among operational services and decision making authorities in a Danube region on national and regional level.

Project information


Slovenian Environment Agency, Slovenia


EODC Earth Observation Data Centre for Water Resources Monitoring GmbH, Austria

Global Change Research Institute CAS, Czech republic

Hungarian Meteorological Service, Hungary

Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Szent Istvan University, Hungary

Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Slovakia

National Meteorological Administration. Romania

Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies, Slovenia

Meteorological and Hydrological Service, Croatia

Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe, Slovakia

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, Serbia

Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology, Montenegro

Republic Hydro-meteorological Service of Republic of Srpska, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Administration of the RS for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, Slovenia

The State Land Office, Czech republic

Agricultural Station/Forecasting and Warning Service of Serbia in plant protection, Serbia

Environment Agency Austria, Austria

Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Austria

International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, Austria

Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary

Ministry of Environment and Energy, Croatia

Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT: Nov 16, 2022

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