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The United Nations General Assembly declared safe and clean drinking water as a human right. However, recent studies have revealed that water resources are under increasing pressure, mainly due to land use and climate change. Within the Central Europe (CE) Region, the need for adapted and target-oriented land-use activities concerning the protection of drinking water resources and balancing conflicts of land-use pressure on water is evident. This challenging task is ideally tackled by transnational cooperation projects suitable for intensified cooperation across borders, such as PROLINE-CE.
The main objective of PROLINE-CE is the creation of a concrete transnational plan for the implementation of sustainable land use and flood/drought management leading to an improved protection of drinking water resources. This new integrated land use management approach foresaw the involvement of stakeholders and decision makers from the very beginning, thus raising their awareness for the issue. The demonstration of best practice examples (pilot actions) that were carried out in various geographic and thematic fields supports the stakeholder interest and decision processes even more.
The conclusions gained from these experiences led to a Transnational Guide towards an Optimal WAter REgime (GOWARE), a Decision Support Tool, enabling the selection of best management practices to improve the drinking water protection and flood risk mitigation.
Project information
Austrian Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, Austria
Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft, Germany
GWP CEE, Slovakia
Croatian waters, Coratia
Regional Water Management Board - Warsaw, Poland
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
Arpae - Area Idrologia, Italy
BFW - Federal Research Institution for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape, Austria
Croatian Geological Survey, Croatia
Magistrat der Stadt Wien, Austria
Municipality of Waidhofen/Ybbs, Austria
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Slovenia
Public Water Utility , Slovenia
Herman Ottó Institute, Hungary
General Directorate of Water Management, Hungary
Polish Waters, Poland
Technical University of Munich, Germany
CMCC Foundation, Italy
Silesian Waterworks PLC, Poland
Reference information
Published in Climate-ADAPT: Nov 7, 2022
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