
LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN aims at increasing the resilience of social and educational buildings by implementing nature-based solutions as prototypes of climate adaptation and improved well-being. More specifically, the project’s goals are to:

  • Improve knowledge on the development, assessment, and monitoring of vulnerability to climate change of buildings by developing and testing a common, ready-to-use method in southern, western, central and northern European regions;
  • Analyze and verify the impact of nature-based solutions as measures to adapt to climate change in three pilot buildings;
  • Promote sustainable ecosystem-based adaptation measures and increase the capacity to apply such knowledge in practice through dissemination and demonstration workshops;
  • Promote the governance of regional authorities, directors and building managers, and the construction sector to integrate nature-based solutions as part of measures to promote sustainable adaptation in buildings; and
  • Contribute to the development and implementation of a common EU policy on adaptation to climate change by transferring best practices and knowledge to target groups and stakeholders.

Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Scholar and Social Buildings: Concepts and Pilot Solutions for Portugal and Spain includes information on the prototypes developed and tested by the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project in order to contribute to improving resilience in scholar and social buildings by the use of autochthone vegetation. These prototypes (building adaptation) of nature-based solutions (NBS) are applied on walls, roofs, playgrounds, and exterior surfaces of three pilot buildings in Portugal and Badajoz.

Project information


Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas


Diputación de Badajoz, Spain

CIMAC - Comunidade Intermunicipal do Alentejo Central, Portugal

Municipio do Porto, Portugal


Source of funding

European Commission LIFE program (LIFE17 CCA/ES/000088)

Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT: Jul 13, 2020

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