
PLACARD (PLAtform for Climate Adaptation and Risk reDuction) aimed at becoming the recognised platform for dialogue, knowledge exchange and collaboration between the Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) communities. In the large and complex landscape of stakeholder networks, research, policy initiatives and information sources, the PLACARD hub enhances the coherence of and gives direction to CCA and DRR research, policy and practices, strengthening cooperation and countering fragmentation between the domains.

The programme established a comprehensive coordination and knowledge exchange platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue and consultation to address gaps and fragmentation challenges, and support the development and implementation of an evidence base for research and innovation policies.

Specifically, PLACARD met the following aims:

  • Established a network of networks of CCA and DRR stakeholder groups and initiatives at the international, European, national and sub-national scales
  • Created a common ‘space’ to facilitate dialogue and consultation among stakeholders and initiatives
  • Designed effective science, policy and practice dialogues
  • Took stock of the CCA and DRR decision-making context
  • Facilitated and guided knowledge exchange and mobilisation between CCA and DRR
  • Strengthened CCA and DRR institutions and give direction to policy-practice agendas
  • Streamlined the dissemination and implementation of ongoing and evolving research and innovation activities on CCA and DRR across scales

In order to stimulate behaviour change and policy action, PLACARD has explored the potential of tools such as storytelling and forward-looking approaches and provided recommendations for the European Green Deal. Moreover, PLACARD has produced the Connectivity Hub, a dynamic and interactive online visualisation tool to help users find knowledge and organisations working on CCA and DRR.

Project outputs, including reports, policy briefs, visuals, and webinars, as well as the Connectivity Hub can be found on the project website.

Project information


Foundation of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FFCUL)


Foundation of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (Portugal), Stockholm Environment Institute (Sweden), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (Germany), Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (Italy), Alterra – Wageningen UR (Netherlands), Environment Agency Austria (Austria), UKCIP, University of Oxford (United Kingdom), University of Geneva (Switzerland), Red Cross Climate Centre (International)

Source of funding

Horizon 2020 Programme

Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT: Dec 20, 2021

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