
The Rapid Analysis and Spatialisation Of Risk (RASOR) project developed a platform to perform multi-hazard risk analysis to support the full cycle of disaster management, including targeted support to critical infrastructure monitoring and climate change impact assessment.

RASOR overlays archived and near-real time very-high resolution optical and radar satellite data, combined with in-situ data for both global and local applications. RASOR is available with full functionality over five case study areas (Haiti, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands and Greece), analysing a specific set of hazards: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides and land subsidence. Over these areas the services that RASOR offers have been validated with end users and practitioners, as well as with international organisations representing three different markets (World Bank; UNOSAT; Munich Re and RMS; and the European Commission’s agencies interested in risk management issues). Since 2016, the global tool is also available for upload of user data sets and user risk assessment activities.

The RASOR Platform is a scenario-driven query system that simulates future scenarios based on existing or assumed conditions and compares them with historical scenarios. The RASOR platform allows to perform analysis on the scenario of a single event, but also to combine different sets of possible scenarios, analyzing the concatenation of different effects adopting a multi-risk perspective. The use of scenarios allows managers to determine which adaptation measure to adopt in order to prevent or reduce the risks; adding real-time data can also support the organisation of response activities.

For instance, flood maps can be combined with land use maps that quantify exposure and assets at stake in a flood risk assessment. The high-risk areas can then be targets for risk-reducing countermeasures. Information about the flood extent and the location of vital infrastructure can help making better decisions during crisis management.

Project information


CIMA Research Foundation

Athena Global (Canada), ACROTEC (Italy), SERTIT (France), Deltares (The Netherlands), EUCENTRE (Italy), DLR (Germany), INGV (Italy), International Observatory of Athens (Greece), Altamira (France and Spain)
Source of funding


Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT Jun 7, 2016   -   Last Modified in Climate-ADAPT Dec 12, 2023

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