
The general objective of the REACHOUT is to make progress in the provision of climate services to better support European cities in building resilience to climate change through a pragmatic approach that builds on existing achievements and addresses major barriers to implementation. Climate services supporting adaptation decisions are developed for 7 City Hubs across Europe. These hubs serve as living laboratories for co-creating services with the government, citizens and the private sector and serve as accelerators for further regional and national upscaling of the use of these services. The hubs represent a regionally diverse portfolio of climate vulnerabilities and adaptation needs across stakeholders. The climate services developed within the project will be visualized and presented in attractive climate story maps.

REACHOUT brings together a highly experienced transdisciplinary team with comprehensive knowledge on climate change adaptation and climate services and experience working in cities. At each city hub, REACHOUT has a direct beneficiary who is experienced in adaptation planning and has strong institutional connections and relationships with other municipalities, cities and organizations on their periphery.

In a series of 4 Policy briefs (read here the first and the second) REACHOUT communicates its main findings to a wider audience of stakeholders that include city urban planning and adaptation professionals, the climate service community, and the EU adaptation policy makers.

The expected results of REACHOUT are:

Project information


Stichting Deltares, the Netherlands


Stichting Climate Adaptation Services (CAS), the Netherlands

Stichting VU (VU), the Netherlands

Fondazione Centro Euromediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), Italy

Stiftelsen Norges Geotekniske Institutt (NGI), Norway

Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH (ECOLOGIC), Germany

Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation (TECNALIA), Spain

Stichting Global Resilient Cities Network (R-Cities), the Netherlands

University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork (UCC), Ireland

Fundacja Sendzimira (SF), Poland

Cork City Council (CORK), Ireland

Dimos Athinaion (ATHENS), Greece

Lillestrom Kommune (LILLESTROM), Norway

Comune di Milano (MILANO), Italy

Ayuntamiento de Logrono (LOGRONO), Spain

Miasto Gdynia (GDYNIA), Poland

Source of funding

H2020-EU.3.5. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Climate action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials, Grant agreement ID: 101036599

Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT: Aug 5, 2022

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