
The RESCCUE project aims to support urban resilience by providing innovative models and tools to improve the ability of cities to withstand and recover quickly from multiple shocks and stresses and maintain continuity of services under the changing climate. Three European cities, Lisbon, Barcelona and Bristol, will function as the validation platforms of the project outputs. 

The specific project objectives are to:

  • deliver a framework for assessment, planning and management of urban resilience 
  • develop a portfolio of adaptation strategies and test it in the selected pilot cities
  • elaborate Resilience Action Plans (RAP) for the research pilot cities, with the contributions of the local project partners and stakeholders

The toolkit resulting form the project is aimed for city managers and urban service operators in different types of cities, facing a range of different climate change challenges. The approach of the project is holistic and multisectoral and utilizes the HAZUR® tool that enables consideration of urban interdependencies in decision making. The water sector is taken as a starting point for the analysis of interconnectedness of urban systems.


ECCA 2021 - Climate Adaptation solutions video - RESCCUE

Project information


Aquatec, SUEZ Advanced Solutions, Spain


Aquatec, Proyectos para el sector del Agua SA, Spain

Cetaqua, Centro Tecnologico Del Agua, Fundacion Privada, Spain

Fundacion Para La Investigacion Del Clima, Spain

Opticits Ingenieria Urbana SL, Spain

University of Exeter, United Kingdom

Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Portugal

Ajuntament de Barcelona, Spain

Fundacio Institut De Recerca De L'energia De Catalunya, Spain

United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Kenya

Endesa Distribucion Electrica S.L., Spain

Camara Municipal de Lisboa, Portugal

Edp Distribuicao Energia S.A., Portugal

Hidra - Hidraulica E Ambiente, Lda, Portugal

Bristol City Council, United Kingdom

Wessex Water, SL, United Kingdom

Urban DNA Solutions LLP, United Kingdom

Aguas do Tejo Atlantico SA, Portugal

Ecole des Ingenieurs de la ville de Paris, France

Source of funding

Horizon 2020

Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT Oct 7, 2020   -   Last Modified in Climate-ADAPT Dec 12, 2023

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