
Forests cover more than 30% of the area of France, Spain and Portugal. Their conservation is vital, not only in terms of biodiversity and quality of life of society, but also in terms of the diverse economic activities associated with them.

They are regularly subject to a variety of biotic and abiotic hazards, such as insect and fungal attack in the former case, and storms, fire and soil alteration in the latter. These cause increasing damage as a result of global change, which goes beyond administrative borders.

The project therefore aims to help the project regions prepare for these increasing risks and to facilitate cooperation between the various organisations in each administrative area that is in charge of risk prevention and management. For each of the 8 considered risks (Chestnut gall wasp, eucalyptus weevilpinewood nematode, emerging pests and diseases, forest fire, soil degradation, storms), the project prepared forest risk management tools and plans.

As a result of these actions and tools, each participant region will benefit from the experience, means and knowledge reaped and pooled transnationally in South-West Europe.



Project information


European Forest Institute’s Planted Planted Forests Facility (EFIPLANT), France


Association Régionale de Défense des Forêts Contre l’Incendie, France

Caisse de Prévoyance et de Protection des Forêts du Sud-Ouest, France

Direction régionale de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt, France

Asociación Asturiana de Empresarios Forestal de la Madera y el Mueble, Spain

Asociación de Propietarios Forestales de Asturias, Spain

Celulosas de Asturias S.A., Spain

Consejería de Agroganadería y Recursos Autóctonos de Asturias, Spain, Spain

Diputación Foral de Álava, Spain

Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, Spain

Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Spain

Empresa de Transformación Agraria, Spain

Gobierno de Cantabria, Spain

Gobierno Vasco – Departamento de Desarrollo Económico y Competitividad, Spain

Junta de Castilla y León, Spain

Servicio de Emergencias del Principado de Asturias, Spain

Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario, Spain

Servicios Agrarios Galegos, Spain

Subdirección Xeral de Prevención e Defensa contra os Incendios Forestais, Spain

Altri Florestal, Portugal

Instituto da Conservação da Naturesa e das Florestas, Portugal

RAIZ- Instituto de Investigação da Floresta e Papel, Portugal

Reference information


Published in Climate-ADAPT: Nov 16, 2022

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