
How far are we in implementing climate change and health action in the WHO European Region?” was the lead question posed to representatives of European WHO member states.

The responses of 22 countries are analysed in this article. Apart from providing the structure of the questionnaire (a valuable starting point for designing an empirical base for, e.g., progress reports), the authors offer useful insight into which elements of climate change adaptation are usually implemented conjointly, and which elements receive separate, or little, attention. By and large, a country affording specific governance is also likely to engage in vulnerability and impact assessments, sharing of best practice, building capacity and raising awareness. Remarkably, strengthening the health sector was only loosely coupled to investments in other adaptation elements. This is in line with the authors' observation that:

  1. resources for adaptation (in the health sector) are mainstreamed into ongoing activities (i.e. without wearing an "adaptation" tag),
  2. a lack of investment in important areas (e.g. integrated climate, environment and health surveillance, or building climate-resilient health infrastructure). 

Reference information

published for open access by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  
WHO Regional Office for Europe

Published in Climate-ADAPT Dec 19, 2016   -   Last Modified in Climate-ADAPT Apr 4, 2024

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