
Within the framework of the German Strategy for ⁠Adaptation⁠ to Climate Change (⁠DAS⁠), the Federal government presents the 2023 (third) ⁠Monitoring⁠ Report on the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change.

This report describes the impacts of climate change on the basis of solid scientific data, at the same time as providing the public as well as decision-makers in all sectors of society with information on tangible impacts of climate change.

The risks associated with climatic changes affect all sectors of society and all ecosystems which make up the foundations of our life in all aspects of its diverse structures and services. Consequently, the organisation of risk provisioning and adaptation capacities is a task that concerns society as a whole. Curbing global warming and its impacts is a core political challenge for the 21st century worldwide. Meeting this challenge is an essential prerequisite for achieving the  objectives set by the 2030 UN Agenda with its focus on sustainable development.

The previous report  was released in 2019. 

Reference information


Report by the Interministerial Working Group on Adaptation to Climate Change

Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency)

Published in Climate-ADAPT: Jun 25, 2021

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