
In November 2018, the new long term EU GHG reduction strategy “A clean planet for All” was launched, with the goal of steering the EU economy and society towards a CO2 emissions-free future for 2050. The strategy put forward eight alternative pathways along which Europe can take the lead towards climate neutrality. In particular, each of the first five explores a different technological option: an energy mix dominated by renewables, smart and modern network infrastructures, boosting energy efficiency, a widely electrified transport sector, more carbon neutral technologies and more circularity in the industrial sector. The sixth one includes all the aforementioned options and allows a 90% CO2 emissions reduction, due to unavoidable residual GHG emissions from the agricultural sector. In order to achieve full decarbonization and compatibility with a 1.5 °C global mean temperature increase target, the 7th and 8th scenario include measures to achieve negative emissions by combining CCS with bioenergy and agricultural and forestry sinks, and by further enhancing the circularity of the whole economy and the active engagement of EU citizens. The strategy also explores the policy measures that can deliver this goal. The “enabling framework” builds on the Energy Union Strategy and highlights the role of sustainable finance, innovation policies, local actions and of the empowerment of EU citizens, the streamlining of climate and environmental goals into competition policy, and, last but not least, the importance of climate-proofing infrastructures in terms of adapting energy grids to future needs under a changing climate.

Reference information

European Commission's webpage on climate action

Published in Climate-ADAPT: Apr 1, 2019

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