
A message-based strategy for communication, information and outreach, developed by and for the UNFCCC Adaptation Committee (AC). This describes the vision, mission and strategy that will be used by the UNFCCC Adaptation Committee. By its work on communication, information and outreach the strategy provides the basis for the Adaptation Committee to bring about a worldwide increase of awareness on the need to urgently adapt to the unavoidable effects of climate change, both within and outside the climate community, specifically:

  1. Adaptation is an integral part of resilient development of communities, economies and ecosystems;
  2. Adaptation is part of sustainable business development;
  3. Investments, both public and private, are all climate proof: mitigation as well as adaptation are decision criteria in the financial sector;
  4. Adaptation is an integral part of education of the new generation;
  5. Adaptation is top of mind subject in public and a trending topic in (social) media; and
  6. Adaptation is of equal importance at COP as mitigation of GHG emissions.

In achieving this task, the efforts of the Adaptation Committee are to be directed to both the climate community - i.e. the UNFCCC and related UN-organizations, NGO’s and relevant institutions - and the general public and private companies.

Reference information

UNFCCC Adaptation Committee

Published in Climate-ADAPT: Jun 7, 2016

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