
As extreme weather events and other climate hazards are increasing in frequency and severity across Europe, solid information is needed for assessing climate risks and planning for adaptation. This European Environment Agency (EEA) interactive report gives an overview of past and projected changes in Europe’s most important climate hazards and how they impact European regions. The report aims to support European countries to implement their policies on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction under the European Climate Law and the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

The main climate-related hazards for Europe are described through a selected set of indices, which has been put together from available data sources by experts in the field. The set of 32 indices is organised according to 16 hazards, grouped into six categories consistent with the 'climatic impact drivers' adopted in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report.

The online format allows the visualisation of the data for different European regions through interactive maps. Further information on the underlying data sets, calculation methods and visualisations is available in this ETC/CCA Technical Paper. Additional and complementary information on many climate-related hazards can be found in the European Climate Data Explorer, jointly developed by the EEA and C3S.


Reference information

European Environment Agency

Published in Climate-ADAPT: Nov 22, 2021

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