
The Spanish National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC) has been, since 2006, the reference framework for public efforts to generate knowledge and build adaptive responses to climate change in Spain. In 2018, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition began an in depth evaluation of the PNACC in order to assess the progress achieved, the pending challenges and the lessons learned. This evaluation process has been carried out within the framework of the LIFE SHARA project 'Sharing Awareness and Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change', which aims to collaborate in the construction of a society better adapted to climate change, cooperating with all actors involved, generating knowledge and increasing social awareness. The evaluation report makes 38 recommendations that will guide the preparation of the new National Adaptation Plan 2021-2030 to climate change, cooperating with all actors involved, generating knowledge and increasing social awareness. 

For more information, see the executive summary (in English) and full evaluation report (in Spanish). 

Reference information

Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition

Published in Climate-ADAPT: Nov 18, 2021

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