Home Database Videos A Changing Climate, Changing Migration podcast on the well-being of 'trapped populations'
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A Changing Climate, Changing Migration podcast on the well-being of 'trapped populations'

Learn in this new episode of the podcast series Changing Climate, Changing Migration about ‘Trapped populations’, i.e., people, often belonging to groups most vulnerable to climate change, for whom migration may be best option to escape climate hazards, but who cannot migrate because climate change makes it difficult or impossible. The climate hazards include both sudden onset events - such as heavy rain, floods or storms - and slow onset events - such as heat - that can threaten lives, health, well-being and livelihoods. These hazards can create unsafety and feelings of insecurity to the affected populations, which may create a wish to evacuate for a short term or displace for longer term. The podcast features Caroline Zickgraf, deputy director of the Hugo Observatory at the University of Liège in Belgium, A research center committed to the study of interactions between environmental changes, human migration, and politics.

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