The new EU Adaptation Strategy, launched under the European Green Deal, acknowledges that the platform is already an established reference tool and knowledge resource. In the new EU Adaptation Strategy, Climate-ADAPT is given even more prominence, notably to become ‘the authoritative European platform for adaptation’. Therefore, Climate-ADAPT is currently being restructured to follow the structure of the new EU Adaptation Strategy which is more complex than the previous one and covers various cross-cutting topics. Moreover, Climate-ADAPT is being regularly updated and upgraded to capture the growing amount and diversity of adaptation knowledge in Europe. The future Climate-ADAPT will also need to be aligned with EU policy initiatives such as the EU Mission on adaptation to climate change including societal transformation and Destination Earth.

The further development of Climate-ADAPT will be done in a stepwise approach focusing on specific priorities in each period. The EEA will further specify the approach in the 2022-2024 Climate-ADAPT Strategy and implement it mainly through the Annual Action Plans of the European Topic Centres.

The purpose of the webinar was to introduce the ongoing work and the priorities of the planned activities in 2021 and beyond on the alignment of Climate-ADAPT with the new EU Adaptation Policy framework. In interactive sessions, feedback was gathered on those envisaged priorities from the perspective of Climate-ADAPT users and providers on how Climate-ADAPT should be developed further.

The target audience of the webinar were current and potential new users and information providers of Climate-ADAPT which are or might become part of the intended target audience of Climate-ADAPT, i. e., governmental decision-makers as well as the organisations supporting them in the development, implementation, and evaluation of climate change adaptation strategies, plans and actions at all governance levels in Europe. Beyond that, all other users were welcome to participate in the webinar.

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Published in Climate-ADAPT Dec 2, 2021   -   Last Modified in Climate-ADAPT Feb 1, 2024

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