Home Database Research and knowledge projects Protection of key ecosystem services by adaptive management of Climate Change endangered Mediterranean socioecosystems
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Protection of key ecosystem services by adaptive management of Climate Change endangered Mediterranean socioecosystems (LIFE ADAPTAMED)


Current levels of aridity in the Mediterranean appear to be unprecedented in the last 500 years and most climate models predict an increase in temperature and a substantial decrease in rainfall in the basin. Mediterranean representative socio-ecosystems (such as wetlands, high mountain ranges and coasts) and the services they provide are currently being negatively affected by Climate Change and, on the basis of current data, this affection is expected to increase significantly in the future.

The AdpataMED project focuses on developing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and disseminating adaptative management measures addressed to those socio-ecosystems identified as key for the provision of, among others, soil retention, polinization, pastures, temperature regulation, water provision, prevention of forest fires and of desertification.

The project focuses on three representative Mediterranean natural protected areas of Andalucía (Spain), especially sensitive to climate change (e.g. wetlands, mountain areas and subdesert areas), implementing adaptation measures and providing information, experience and instruments to other managers, owners and stakeholders who must face these threats:

  • A Mediterranean wetland, Doñana Nature Space
  • A Mediterranean high mountain range, Sierra Nevada Nature Space
  • A subdesertic Mediterranean coastal area, Cabo de Gata Nature Park

Project outcomes are expected to show benefits for a diversity of protective ecosystem services (e.g. covering targeted actions on soil retention, water provision/regulation, carbon sequestration/storage, O2 production, temperature regulation, desertification prevention, pollination/seed dispersal and recreation). The project will also produce six “Good practice manuals” covering climate adaptation management practices for shrubs, pine woods, pre-desert scrubs, mountain forests and for combating cork oak pests.

Project information


The regional ministry of the environment and spatial planning of Andalusia, Spain


Agency of Environment and Water of Andalucía, Spain

Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain

The Andalusian Center for Evaluation and Monitoring Global Change (UAL-CAESCG), University of Almerìa, Spain

Andalusian Inter-University Institute for Earth System Research (IISTA-CEAMA), University of Granada, Spain

Science Park (Parque de las Ciencias) of Granada, Spain

IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Spain

Source of funding

The project is co-funded by the European Union / Life Programme

Published in Climate-ADAPT Dec 17 2018   -   Last Modified in Climate-ADAPT Dec 12 2023

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