This dashboard considers the total and insured economic losses and the number of fatalities from weather- and climate-related events in EU Member States and EEA member countries since 1980. Weather- and climate-related hazards considered are those types classified as meteorological hazards (e.g. storms), hydrological hazards (e.g. floods) and climatological hazards (e.g. heatwaves) based on the classification by the International Council for Science (ICSU). The geophysical hazards (e.g. earthquakes and volcanoes) are included for comparison purposes. An event can occur in several countries, but the information is split per country.

The data is based on the RiskLayer CATDAT dataset (received under institutional agreement), and on the Eurostat collection of economic indicators, whereas data from earlier years not covered by Eurostat have been completed using data from the Annual Macro-Economic Database of the European Commission (AMECO), the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) World Economic Outlook (WEO), the Total Economy Database (TED) and the World Bank database. The average population of a country over the period of the time series is used. .

The data in this dashboard are based on the individual event records received from the data provider. However, EEA not being the owner of the data, no other detail than the data presented in this dashboard can be disclosed by EEA.

The information from CATDATA with data per event is presented:

  • by country (as in the latest year of the times series, e.g. events that happened in Czechoslovakia are assigned to Czechia and/or Slovakia based on the location information of the event); or
  • by year (grouped for the EU-27 Member States and the EEA-32 member countries); or
  • per hazard type (only for weather- and climate-related hazards or including geophysical ones) Due to its impact on fatalities, when presented per hazard type climatological data are split in between heatwaves and other climatological events (e.g. cold spells, wildfires)

Data have been adjusted to account for inflation and are presented in constant prices expressed for the latest year of the time series: for example, for the data 1980-2022, all values are expressed in 2022-euro values. In addition, information is also presented in 2010-euro values.

This dashboard contains more detailed data related to EEA’s indicator CLIM039 on “Economic losses from climate-related events in Europe”, updated annually. Additional detail on the data and the indicator can be found in the EEA briefing "Economic losses and fatalities from weather- and climate-related events in Europe" (2022).

The information presented in this dashboard is used in multiple EEA and external projects, e.g. the EU sustainable development goals (Eurostat), the European Climate and Health Observatory (on fatalities on floods and wildfires) or EEA’s 2023 summer product on extreme weather.

This dashboard on the Economic losses from climate-related extremes in Europe has been prepared and made available under the EEA – European Commission (RTD) Service Level Agreement on “Mainstreaming GEOSS Data Sharing and Management Principles in support of Europe’s Environment”.

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