4.3 Preparing a strategy document and getting political approval

Once the main concerns have been identified and preferred adaptation options have been selected a strategic framework for adaptation (strategy) can be established, summarising the findings from previous steps. With the strategic document on the table and having carried out a (wider) consultation with relevant authorities and further stakeholders, the political approval is essential for having a framework in place for implementing adaptation actions.

The strategic framework for adaptation (strategy) should be a reference document, summarising from the previous steps the following points:

  • General aim of adaptation and strategic direction, which is even more important if a transformative approach is chosen
  • Approach chosen to develop the strategy, including cooperation with authorities and other stakeholders (e.g. interest groups, NGOs, private sector)
  • Knowledge base and good practices (if explored), including a gap analysis
  • Main concerns caused by climate change and other influencing factors
  • Uncertainties in climate change, future developments and adaptation
  • Objectives for adaptation (for selected policy areas/sectors and/or themes)
  • Framework for action, including:
    • Provision for preparing an adaptation plan and/or sectoral plans
    • Setting a timeframe for developing concrete actions
    • Determining responsibilities and resources needed
    • Criteria for exploring, assessing and selecting adaptation options
  • Coordination and synergies between national and sub-national as well as sectoral (e.g. disaster risk prevention and management plans, flood risk management plans, river basin management plans) and trans-boundary adaptation responses
  • Activities for awareness raising, communication on adaptation and capacity building
  • System and timeframe for revision of strategy, including provisions for monitoring and evaluation
  • Outlook

An overview of EEA member countries who have developed National Adaptation Strategies is provided on the country profiles.

Additional resources

Europe Adapts to Climate Change. Comparing National Adaptation Strategies

Design of guidelines for the elaboration of Regional Climate Change Adaptations Strategies

Strategy for the IRBD Rhine for adapting to climate change

ICPDR Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

Webinar series on adaptation: Designing an adaptation strategy and action plan

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