
To support adaptation action in European cities and towns the European Commission launched Mayors Adapt- the Covenant of Mayors Initiative on Climate Change Adaptation in 2014 as a parallel adaptation initiative to the Covenant of Mayors, which focused on mitigation.  As part of this initiative, the Urban Adaptation Support Tool has been developed. Since 2017, adaptation and therefore the Mayors Adapt initiative, is entirely integrated into the ‘Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy’. It provides practical guidance and knowledge support to its signatories as well as to any other interested cities, towns or stakeholders in Europe and beyond and supports urban adaptation decision-makers, practitioners and interested stakeholders with a quick-start step-by-step guidance through the adaptation planning and implementation cycles. It also facilitates easy access to in-depth, expert information and data by providing a comprehensive up-to-date database of literature and information sources for each step of the urban adaptation cycle.

The Urban Adaptation Support Tool complements the support and guidance on urban adaptation that is provided by EU Member States at the national level and is of special importance for urban areas in those countries, where national level tools and support are currently lacking or under development.

The Urban Adaptation Support Tool is dynamic and constantly evolving, based on users' needs and feedback. It has been created through a stakeholder consultation process and aims to develop further in line with user needs. Therefore your comments and suggestions are important and very welcome. You can leave us your feedback by following the comments and suggestions link on each page of the tool.

Reference information


Covenant of Mayors, Climate-ADAPT

Published in Climate-ADAPT: Jun 7, 2016

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