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See all EU institutions and bodiesIceland
For EU Member States, information is based on their official adaptation reporting: 2023 and 2021 adaptation reporting under the Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action (see EU Adaptation Reporting, Climate-ADAPT Country Profiles). Note: The relevant information has been copied from the EU official reporting on adaptation (submitted until 15 November 2023), without further elaborating the contents of the text. Some information, valid at the time of reporting, may no longer be valid today. Any necessary additions to the text are clearly highlighted. In addition, information collated in the EEA’s analysis of Climate change and health: the national policy review in Europe (2021). Note: Some information, valid at the time of publication, may no longer be valid today. Any necessary additions to the text are clearly highlighted.
Governance Regulation reporting on adaptation (2023)
Information fromIn View of the Climate Crisis: Iceland's Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change (NAS, 2021) and the White Paper on Adaptation to Climate Change (2021) both cover the health sector.
Adaptation actions and measures addressing public health include:
- Climate Impacts Knowledge Creation Consultation Forum: The establishment of a partnership and platform for actors carrying out research relevant to adaptation, including health. Encourages cooperation in analysis and research on the impacts of climate change aiming to ensure an overview of knowledge creation on the impacts of climate change focusing on adaptation of ecosystems and society across different categories of knowledge and knowledge practices.
Resources in the Observatory catalogue on Iceland
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